“The need to improve life skills, particularly conflict resolution, decision making, critical thinking and future planning among communities and police is undisputed. People living in high crime locations have been found to have higher rates of emotional disorders, poor sense of self, lack of empathy and are generally unable to associate the decisions they make today with their quality of life tomorrow.
It is against this background that the Yoga Angels Foundation proposes its WAM Programs geared towards implementing Wellness And Mindfulness in communities using Yoga practice, Yoga Teacher Training, life skills classes, sharing alternative healing modalities and producing community family events to educate and create celebration and union between the community and police across Jamaica and Wordlwide.”_ Subhadra Bowman
Our programs target underprivileged youth, community members and police / correctional facilitators understanding that educating members of all ages & aspects of the community and actually leaving certified community leaders will bring profound positive changes, union and healing longevity.