Our Mission

Using the modalities of wellness, entertainment performances and the arts, the Yoga Angels Foundation (YAF) programs offer a holistic approach which integrates music, movement, the arts, and wellness modalities to facilitate healing and personal transformation, YAF has been developing, innovating, and implementing cutting edge programming for children, youth, and adults since 1997. 

Our Vision

Yoga Angels Foundation has been committed to teaching life skills to children, youth, and adults in underserved communities. The specific activities we teach at YAF are yoga, art, dance, music classes, seminars, and workshops.


The Yoga Angels Foundation (YAF) implements Wellness and Mindfulness programs serving underprivileged youth and communities.

YAF teaches self-development and life skills training programs in unconventional locations such as churches, corporations, correctional facilities and schools. Modalities such as Yoga classes, trainings, life skills seminars and alternative healings practices are programs shared.

YAF focuses on Peace in the community using our “Pop Up 4 Peace” events. Through wellness and entertainment productions we educate and celebrate families and communities. We seek to reduce mental health issues, violence and crime and build positive family values in our communities.

Our Police to Peace Officers program focuses on union between the community and police officers.

Why was the Yoga Angels Foundation coined?

“The need to improve life skills, particularly conflict resolution, decision making, critical thinking and future planning among communities and police is undisputed. People living in high crime locations have been found to have higher rates of emotional disorders, poor sense of self, lack of empathy and are generally unable to associate the decisions they make today with their quality of life tomorrow. 

It is against this background that the Yoga Angels Foundation proposes its WAM Programs geared towards implementing Wellness And Mindfulness in communities using Yoga practice, Yoga Teacher Training, life skills classes, sharing alternative healing modalities and producing community family events to educate and create celebration and union between the community and police across Jamaica and Wordlwide.”_ Subhadra Bowman

Our programs target underprivileged youth, community members and police / correctional facilitators understanding that educating members of all ages & aspects of the community and actually leaving certified community leaders will bring profound positive changes, union and healing longevity.

How can I donate to YAF?

You may donate to YAF by:

  • Clicking the ‘Donate Now’ button at the top of our page,
    • Select the cause you would like to donate to,
    • enter the amount you would want to donate 
    • enter your payment details. That’s it!
When did YAF begin?

The Yoga Angels Foundation began in 1997.

Who is the founder of YAF?

The founder and CEO of Yoga Angels Foundation is Sandra ‘Subhadra’ Griffiths. 

Who are some of the partners that YAF worked with in the past?

Yoga Angels Foundation has partnered with several reputable organizations throughout its existence: 

  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID);
  • Organization of American States (OAS);
  • Department of Correctional Services (DCS);
  • Yoga Angels International (YAI);
  • Conscious SuperStars Entertainments (CSS)
Who is a Yoga Angel?

A Yoga Angel is a coporate entity or individual who has adopted an individual, or environment through the Yoga Angels Foundation. A Yoga Angel financially supports our work and by extension our beneficiaries. 

Why should I become a Yoga Angel?

Becoming a Yoga Angel helps us to continue our work of gifting wellness and mindfulness to those who needs it most: persons suffering from ill-health, juveniles in juvenile correctional facilities, families in low income situations or living below the poverty. 

We receive no government funding and rely on donations, grants, our own fundraising efforts and funding arrangements with strategic partners, like you, to make it all happen. Join us in our movement, find out how you too can donate, volunteer and become a sponsor of our YAF wellness initiatives and be a part (WAM) Wellness, Arts & Music in improving the lives of those in need across Jamaica

How can I get involved with YAF?

You can become involved in Yoga Angels Foundation’s work by: 

  • becoming a volunteer,
  • becoming a Yoga Angel,
  • be a partner – Let us bring wellness to your projects. Invite us to partner with you! 
  • Donate! Our work is important to those we serve, but we cannot do this work without your help. We need you. Donate!

History of Yoga Angels Foundation


Years of serving underserved individuals and communities

The organization’s focuses on offering a holistic approach that integrates the arts and wellness modalities to foster growth and personal transformation. In keeping with our longstanding commitment to targeting underserved communities, communities of color, and at-risk children and youth, the Foundation, even before being formally incorporated, has implemented several projects both in the US, (specifically Los Angeles), and in Jamaica.


The Journey Begun

Yoga Angels Foundation was born out of a constant call and need for wellness among underpriviledged youths and communities - an answer to exisiting conditions relating to crime and violence, mental health issues and physical challenges.

2015 - 2018


YAF has partnered with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), working in three of Jamaica’s juvenile centers. 

In 2017-2018 WAM was implemented at Rio Cobre in Spanish Town and currently has 11 certified sustainable teachers. 

The third institution, Metcalfe, is located in Denah Town where we have completed the three months introductory phase of WAM classes in 2018. Our long term goal is to build alternative healing centers. The A New Path funding ended and program was not able continue, however Yoga Angels Foundation continued the program with one facility which was Rio Cobre for until 2020. We even continued to occasionally continue during Covid until it was not feasible for our budget and the location safety. We are currently ready to reactive the program once we are able to established the funding to do so. Our long term goal is to build alternative healing centers.

We have successfully implemented sustainable behavior modification programs across Kingston and St Catherine with the youth & staff at South Camp, Rio Cobre and Metcalfe Street Juvenile & Correctional Centers


Our Ongoing Programs

  • Teacher Training Scholarship Program
  • Police To Peace Officers
  • Balancing Our Mental Health

The Yoga Angels Foundation in a registered 501(C)3 in the United States of America and a registered non-profit in Jamaica. 

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